Tuesday, May 25, 2010

On Doctorates

One of the benefits of a Regent-College education is the high academic standing and requirements expected of students. As a top-tier theological institution, Regent-College adheres to the accredition standards of theological colleges and seminaries under the ATS (Association of Theological Schools in USA and Canada). Regent-College's accredition status is available here. Earned doctorates (different from honorary ones) nowadays include PhDs, DMins, DPhil, DTheo, DMiss, etc.

Many Regent students and alumnus have at some point considered a higher degree after graduating with the Masters. Many have moved on to do doctorates of various theological disciplines. I have read several tips for those who are pursuing a doctorate. Here is a list of resources for you to read, before attempting a doctorate level education.

Remember that going for a doctorate is not for the faint-hearted. It does not guarantee a better status or a higher salary, or even a job! In today's environment, having a doctorate can sometimes repel prospective employers. It is a calling. 


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