Thursday, July 29, 2010

"Pocket Guide to the New Testament Theology" (Free!)

Thanks to the generosity of, a free ebook by Dr Ian Howard Marshall is available for your download. Note that it is specifically targeted at iPad users and ebook standard like epub. If you want to read it on your PC, you can conveniently download an add-on (Firefox users) and read it from inside your browser. Otherwise, download an Epub application and use it to read the ebook. Alternatively, go to the website here and read it like any website.

Click here for the free ebook download, or simply read it from here:




Thursday, July 22, 2010

Rikk Watts in Singapore (11-13 Aug 2010)

Those of you who will be in Singapore can catch Dr Rikk Watts as he speaks and teaches there. You can download the flyer here.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Simpson Community Services

One Regent-alum has recently setup a community services group that ministers to people living at Vancouver's Downtown East Side and marginalized groups at various parts of Vancouver. This new ministry is called "Simpson Community Services." If you are on Facebook, you can join his group by clicking here.

From their website, the rationale for the ministry is this:
The rationale of the Simpson Society builds on the ancient proverb “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Therefore, the Society interacts with vulnerable persons by first relief (giving fish) and then development (teaching people how to fish). However, the Simpson Society goes further and adds social justice (defending the right for persons to fish) and also providing palliative, pastoral care when there are no supports available for people in dire need (when there are no fish).This four-fold approach to community service is offered in a networking context and a hands-on work, bottom-up working style.

[From Simpson Community Services Society website]

Dylan Goggs (MCS, 2008) and his wife are co-founders of the organization. You may want to check them out here. Thanks Dylan for your love in the LORD.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Updates on Dr Gary Parrett

Here is more updates about Gary's condition. The news clip reveals the horrors of the accident.

Further Updates
Taken from the latest journaling from his daughter Alisa, here is an excerpt which contains both positive and not-so-positive news.
We got the results of the MRI today, and they were mostly encouraging.  Although the doctors see that there is likely permanent damage to the brain (enough to cause some disability), they believe that with time and proper rehabilitation, he could be on his way to a full recovery.  Right now, it's sort of a waiting game--because my dad still hasn't woken up, there's some concern as to how long he will remain unconscious and how that will play out on his brain's condition when he does wake up.  He also has to wake up quickly for the sake of the rest of his body, which can't be fully treated until he is conscious. (From: Caringbridge, July 14th, 2010)
In prayer, we trust our Heavenly Father to take over the many aspects of this situation, which man does not fully comprehend.

If you want to help the family with donations, remember to do it through a site (not CaringBridge above!), set up by Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Note that if you are a US or Canadian taxpayer, all contributions to the Parrett family are not tax-deductible. The website is here. You can also go the the seminary website and follow the links that lead you there. The direct link is:

Note: If you click the the icon, you will be transferred to a website setup by Gordon-Conwell Seminary, where Dr Gary Parrett works for. As all contributions go directly to the Parrett family, they are not tax-deductible.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Pray for Dr Gary Parrett - July 8th, 2010

Dr Gary Parrett is a Regent alum (MDiv, 83) who is currently unconscious in a hospital in Seoul after a horrific bus accident that killed 12 people (July 3rd, 2010). Gary is a professor serving at Gordon-Conwell theological Seminary as a Professor of Educational Ministries and Worship. According to a Gordon-Conwell update as of today (July 8th, 2010), he is recovering from multiple injuries, including hemorrhaging in the brain.

You can pray and also watch for updates at a website set up by his daughter to update concerned friends about Gary's progress.

Pray also for the family of newly installed Pastor Kenny Ye from Highrock Covenant Church, who died in the crash.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

"Church Communications Network" Shuts Down!

Started in 1998 to provide online resources for pastors and Christian leaders, this website has garnered lots of publicity when it was first launched. There is a formidable pool of popular leaders and famous speakers in the evangelical world. The subscriber lists and teachers sound impressive. Yet, as of today (1st July 2010), the CCN website has this terse announcement above. Without going into the details of what are the challenges CCN faced over the past two years, it is fair to say that CCN is yet another victim of the economic problems America is facing.

Online ministries have promise. Yet, it comes with its share of risks. I got a feeling that the economic downturn is not exactly the main problem. I suspect that the ongoing fragmentation of evangelicalism is the main culprit.
